Prusa MK3 owners have it made: the rubber feet on the Prusa MK3S+ printers don't slip and they make the Prusa MK3 one of the quietest on the market with no need for paving stones.
But what about MK2 owners? Unfortunately their lack of feet was a huge hassle for customers wanting to purchase a 3DUPfitters enclosure since the printer height and thus the vents didn't line up.
Benjamin Feagin, Jr. and Aaron Reed and have shared their solution on Thingiverse, a cool dual material MK2 anti-slip feet design. You use a flexible ailment like Ninjaflex on the very bottom to prevent slipping, and then a solid filament like ASA or ABS for the top.

The feet are exactly the right height to make everything line up correctly:
Many thanks to Ben and Aaron for sharing their well thought out solution!
Michael Czeiszperger
B.S. Electrical & Computer Engineering
The Ohio State University